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Packing Tips for Pumping Moms in India | Breast Pump Bag Checklist

Packing Tips for Pumping Moms in India | Breast Pump Bag Checklist

One of the most fulfilling parts of motherhood is breastfeeding our little ones for we know what this liquid gold can do to nourish our babies. While we may be all for breastfeeding, sometimes we, find ourselves in situations where we are unable to be with our little ones, be it for work or travel or even for a break. Sometimes, even health concerns may require us to be away leading to a disruption in maintaining a consistent feeding routine.

Enter the breast pump—a revolutionary tool that empowers us, mothers, to provide the nourishment and comfort of breast milk to our babies, even when they’re apart. From electric double pumps to portable manual options, breast pumps offer flexibility, convenience, and peace of mind for nursing mothers worldwide.

In this blog, I will give you practical tips for packing abreast pump bag with all the essentials for a comfortable experience of pumping on the go. Finally, I give you a complete breast pump bag checklist with products available in the Indian market that you can take a screenshot of for a quick scan every time you plan a pumping on the go.

Planning Pumping

Choosing the Right Pump

When it comes to selecting a breast pump, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Electric pumps, available in single or double options, are often favored for their efficiency, making them ideal for frequent pumping sessions.

They can be powered by electricity or batteries, offering flexibility for different settings. Manual pumps, on the other hand, are operated by hand and are typically more affordable and portable, making them suitable for occasional use or travel.

Wearable pumps, such as those that fit inside your bra, provide the ultimate convenience for hands-free pumping, allowing you to multitask while expressing milk. Take the time to research different brands and models, read reviews, and consider factors like suction strength, comfort, noise level, and portability before making your decision.

Have a Breast Pump Bag

Choosing the right breast pump bag is a crucial part of planning for successful pumping sessions on the go. A well-designed breast pump bag not only provides convenient storage for your breast pump and accessories but also offers functionality, organization, and style.

Look for a bag with ample space to accommodate your breast pump, spare parts, breast milk storage bags or feeding bottles, and personal items such as a wallet, keys, and phone. Consider features like insulated compartments or pockets for storing pumped milk and ice packs to maintain its temperature during transport.

Additionally, opt for a bag with sturdy construction, comfortable carrying straps or handles, and easy-to-clean materials to withstand the rigors of daily use.

Mengshen Waterproof Breast Milk Baby Bottle Cooler Bag Rucksack

Preparing for Pumping

Before diving into your pumping routine, it’s crucial to prepare both mentally and physically. Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure proper hygiene. Assemble your breast pump according to the manufacturer’s instructions, making sure all parts are clean and dry.

Finding a comfortable and private space where you can relax and focus on pumping without interruptions is key. Consider creating a pumping kit with essentials like breast pads, nipple cream, water bottle, snacks, and entertainment to make your pumping sessions more comfortable and enjoyable.

Additionally, having a supportive environment at work or home can greatly enhance your pumping experience, so don’t hesitate to communicate your needs with your partner, family members, or coworkers.

Establishing a Pumping Routine

Establishing a consistent pumping routine is essential for maintaining your milk supply and ensuring successful breastfeeding while using a breast pump. Aim to pump at least every 2-3 hours, or whenever your baby would typically nurse, to mimic your baby’s feeding schedule.

Start with shorter pumping sessions, around 15-20 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as needed to fully empty your breasts. Experiment with different settings and suction levels to find what feels comfortable and effective for you. Some mothers find it helpful to incorporate breast compression or massage techniques during pumping to stimulate milk flow and maximize output.

Remember to stay hydrated and well-nourished throughout the day to support milk production. As you settle into your routine, don’t hesitate to adjust it as needed to accommodate changes in your schedule or milk supply. Consistency and flexibility are key to successful pumping and breastfeeding.

Storing Breastmilk

Storage Bags

Once you’ve successfully pumped milk, proper storage is crucial to maintain its quality and safety for your baby. After pumping, transfer the expressed breast milk into clean and sterilized storage bottles or breast milk storage bags.

Be sure to leave some space at the top of the container to allow for expansion during freezing. Label each container with the date and time of pumping using a waterproof marker, as well as your baby’s name if applicable, to ensure proper rotation of milk.

When storing pumped milk, it’s essential to follow guidelines to preserve its nutritional value and minimize the risk of contamination. Breast milk can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days at temperatures of 39°F (4°C) or lower. If you plan to use the milk within a few days, storing it in the refrigerator is the most convenient option. However, if you won’t be using the milk within this timeframe or if you’re building a freezer stash, freezing is the best method for long-term storage.

Luv Lap LuvLap Baby Breast Milk Storage Bags

Handling and Transporting Pumped Milk

Another helpful accessory is a cooler bag with ice packs, which is essential for transporting pumped milk when you’re away from home. Look for a cooler bag specifically designed for breast milk storage, as it will typically have insulation to maintain a consistent temperature and keep the milk cold for an extended period. This is especially important if you’re traveling or pumping at work and need to transport milk back home.

Proper handling and storage are crucial for keeping pumped milk safe for your baby. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before expressing milk or handling storage containers. Use clean bottles, storage bags, and pump parts to prevent contamination. After pumping, promptly refrigerate or freeze the milk to prevent bacterial growth.

When transporting pumped milk, use a cooler bag with ice packs to maintain a consistent temperature and keep the milk cold. Avoid leaving pumped milk at room temperature for an extended period, as this can increase the risk of bacterial contamination.

When thawing frozen milk, do so gradually by placing it in the refrigerator overnight or running it under warm water. Avoid microwaving or boiling breast milk, as this can destroy its beneficial properties and create hot spots that can burn your baby’s mouth.

Cleaning and Maintaining Pump Accessories

Cleaning and maintaining breast pump parts is essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your breast pump and the health of your baby. Proper cleaning and maintenance help prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold, which can contaminate expressed milk and lead to potential health risks. Here’s how to effectively clean and maintain your breast pump parts:

Disassembly and Rinsing

Before cleaning your breast pump parts, ensure that you’ve disassembled all components according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically includes the breast shields (flanges), valves, membranes, tubing, connectors, and any other removable parts. Additionally, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the pump parts to prevent contamination.

After disassembling the pump parts, rinse them under running water to remove any remaining milk residue. This initial rinse helps prevent milk proteins from adhering to the surfaces and forming a film that can be difficult to remove later. Use cool or lukewarm water for rinsing, as hot water can cause proteins to coagulate and stick to the parts.

Washing with Gentle Cleaning Liquid and Water

Once the pump parts have been rinsed, wash them with mild cleaning liquid, specially designed for baby feeding bottles, and warm water. Use a clean brush or sponge designated specifically for washing pump parts to thoroughly scrub all surfaces, including hard-to-reach areas like valves and membranes. Pay close attention to areas where milk may accumulate, such as crevices and seams. Rinse the parts thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.


Sterilization is an essential step, especially for newborns and premature babies or when the baby’s immune system is compromised. Depending on the manufacturer’s instructions, breast pump parts can be sterilized using boiling water, steam sterilizers, or microwave sterilization bags.

Boil the parts in water for at least five minutes, or follow the sterilization instructions provided with your pump. After sterilization, allow the parts to air dry on a clean towel or drying rack. If you have access to a microwave, sterilize the parts using microwave sterilization bags.

Philips Avent Microwave Sterilizing Bag


After cleaning and drying your breast pump parts, store them in a clean and dry container or resealable bag until your next pumping session. Avoid storing damp or wet parts, as moisture can promote the growth of mold and bacteria. Store the pump in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Regularly inspect your breast pump parts for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, tears, or discoloration. Damaged parts should be replaced immediately to maintain the effectiveness and safety of your breast pump. Check the tubing for any signs of condensation or mold growth, and replace it if necessary.

What to Carry in a Breast Pump Bag

Here is a list of the items you need to carry in a breast pump bag for a comfortable pumping experience.

Breast Pump Bag Checklist
Breast Pump
Pump Parts
Breast Milk Storage Bags
Cooler Bag with Ice Packs
Nursing Cover or Scarf
Hand Sanitizer or Wipes
Nipple Cream
Breast Pads
Labels and Markers
Cleaning Liquids and Brushes
Microwave Sterilization Bags
Healthy Snacks and a Bottle of Water
Checklist for Packing a Breast Pump Bag


The journey of motherhood is a multifaceted adventure filled with moments of joy, challenges, and growth. Breastfeeding is a deeply rewarding aspect of this journey, providing essential nourishment, comfort, and bonding between mother and baby. However, the demands of modern life often necessitate flexibility and adaptability, which is where breast pumps shine.

Through the use of breast pumps, you can overcome logistical hurdles, maintain your milk supply, and continue to provide the invaluable gift of breast milk to your babies, even when separated by distance or circumstance. Whether it’s returning to work, traveling, or simply needing a break, breast pumps offer a practical solution that empowers mothers to nurture their babies on their own terms.

I hope my tips and checklist for packing a breast pump bag simplifies your breastfeeding journey. Happy pumping!

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